Internet Marketing For Dummies - WormHQ


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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Internet Marketing For Dummies

Doing business on-line often is the norm these days. A lot of fortune 100 to fortune five hundred companies are all profiting from the income generating potential of promoting on the world wide web. It continues to be said more than a few times "if your not online then you aren't doing business" . Id must agree being an Internet marketer myself. The next frontier or gold rush if you may is in the online marketing arena.

The question I ask you to day is " is there such a thing as Internet marketing for dummies?" I for one started out with little knowledge and slowly but surely learned as I went along. Trying my best to put into action what I learned. Then I'd hope and prey that I did the right thing.

Often I spent time and money on useless information that lead to more and more spending of time and money. My wife accused me of being blind, dumb and careless. Her tuned change when I got my first check. I'm glade I stuck with it.

Knowing what I know now and going through what I went through I can say with conviction that Internet marketing for dummy's is not a term I would use lightly. This type of business is full of numerous options that it really is mind boggling. You can almost never know what really works with out trying it first. Needless to say by then it's to late. If you are lucky someone with further know-how and proof of success will take you under their wing and show you the ropes.

I can remember buying a so called Online money making system that lead me to believe that all I had to do was purchase my membership and sit and wait. Why? Because the method was going to do all the work for me. It was 100% automated! Well needless to say that after I paid, zero happened. I never made a dime. Although a few of the directions that came with the system told me to market my URL or affiliate web link, I was going on the fact that all I had to do was nothing. Ultimately that's exactly what I got. Hows that for Internet marketing for dummy's?

On the other hand, lets just say I started to market my links. Sense It was among my first tries at Internet promotion, I had little know how and also the method I was using didn't give me a good deal to work with. If there is such a thing as Internet marketing for dummy's, then I just bought it. Hook line and sinker.

In fact the only way for me to believe the phrase "Internet marketing for dummy's" has some meat to it is if you can take someone without on-line advertising know-how, give them a push button online income making method and they actually start earning money. Notice I didn't say that they had to generate a certain amount or a steady monthly earnings. All they need to do is make some profit.

In my view the statement "Internet marketing for dummies" should be saved for the one click to income seekers. Individuals whom would fall prey to some colorful overrated website that promises the world once you pay a tiny fee.

The day is approaching when a vast majority of normal people will likely be Internet savvy and Internet marketing for dummies will no longer be valid. We will all be apart of the information superhighway movement. Our companies, personal income and living habits will be intertwined online. I think if one were to try to look for the facts they're going to obtain it.

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